The Soroptimist Pledge Cheat Sheet as taught by Jessie Hughs

Jessie was a former president of a San Jose Soroptimist Club and a home economist for PG&E. She was an active Life Member in our club until her death at 90+ years old. She would delight in providing us with slogans if we did not have one when we had to introduce ourselves.  She also taught us about the Soroptimist pin and the pledge.  The following is the way Jessie instructed us on how to remember the pledge, through mnemonic devices and other means.


I pledge allegiance to Soroptimism and to the ideals for which it stands:

(San Jose Dill) 

Sincerity of Friendship

Joy of Achievement

Dignity of Service

Integrity of Profession

Love of Country


I promise to:  (PUD Public Utility District-she worked for PG&E)



Defend these ideals

For a larger fellowship: (In Home Savings Bank)

In Home

In Society

In Business

For Country and For God.


Remember, that even those of us repeating it for 20+ years mess it up sometime.