Grant Application Process

Soroptimist International of Grass Valley (SIGV)

P. O. Box 663, Grass Valley, CA 95945


We are entertaining proposals for both capital and operational grants of up to $2,000 for direct service projects that are consistent with our mission.  If you wish to submit an application for funds, please send all of/and only the following information: (Incomplete applications may not be considered.)

  • Must be submitted in Word or pdf
  • One cover page with all contact information including:
    • Name of organization/agency
    • Contact person
    • Mailing Address
    • Telephone number and e-mail address
  • Documentation showing proof of 501(c)(3) status or fiscal umbrella
  • Mission or vision statement
  • Provide a proposal of not more than two pages (single space, 12 point font)
  • Describe the services provided by the organization
  • Community need for the services/project to be funded
  • Specific proposed use of funds requested
  • Statement of how the proposed project fits the mission of Soroptimist
  • Two budget Sheets
    • One page Line-item  Project Budget
    • One-Two Page detailed Agency Budget



All communications are to be made directly to our SIGV contact and should not be confused with other Soroptimist organizations in our community.  


Please submit your application in Word or pdf no later than March 30 of every year.


If you have questions, please contact Fran Freedle at 530 268-1280. 


Applicants may be contacted for further information.  Funding decisions will be announced by April 15. Invitations will accompany the notification of the award.  Grants will be presented at our Celebration of Service event in May.  Grants are subject to a follow-up report and review in 6 months.


We wish your organization well in your efforts to help women and children in Nevada County.  Thank you for your application.